Jason Schneider
Jason is an 20+ year listing and buyer specialist helping clients every step of the way in the selling or buying process. He has a great understanding of how difficult a military transfer or relocation can be so he makes every effort to maintain constant communications with clients relocating or receiving orders to or from the Washington, D.C. area. Jason grew up in western Fairfax County, attending James W. Robinson High School. He entered the Marines on the delayed entry program and served for 6 years. While in the Marine Corps he was stationed on the east and west coast and deployed to the Persian Gulf two times. After the Marines, Jason spent a few years on the west coast in Seattle, Washington before returning home to Alexandria, VA in 2002. Jason is following in his mother’s footsteps. He became a licensed Realtor in 2002 and a Broker in 2009. He learned the value of having a career that you love from his mother, so let him share his passion for real estate by working with you. The Marine Motto Semper Fi (always faithful)